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Registered: 03-2003
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posticon Season one (and more) on DVD!

Woo hoo!!!

Star Trek: Enterprise - Capt. Archer (and his little dog, too): on DVD in May? Plus info on S2-4!

Posted by David Lambert 11/12/2004
The folks at The Digital Bits website posted yesterday to their Rumor Mill section a long list of Paramount titles that they said would arrive in the first half of 2005. They state that they "(got the)...information from both industry and retail sources. I want to emphasize that this is very tentative and is absolutely subject to change. Also none of the dates you're about to see are officially announced."

One of the titles they listed was among the most-rumored titles at The Bits: Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1, which their info showed would be out on May 3rd. This would be the first of many, though, as we reported last month. Just like with many of Paramount's previous Star Trek season set releases, the goal is to release sets every other month. Right now Paramount has tentatively set these dates for the existing 4 seasons of the show (including the one airing right now):

    * Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 1: May 3, 2005
    * Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 2: July 12, 2005
    * Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3: September 6, 2005
    * Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4: November 1, 2005

We'll re-emphasize that this is a rumor, very tentative, and could be EXTREMELY subject to change. Some of it is from The Digital Bits (who's got a great track record with this sort of thing), and some of it is from our own trusted sources. How accurate will any of it be in the end? Well, stay tuned for the official announcements for each season, just as soon as Paramount makes them!


... Mike. ^_^

Last edited by MikeKraken, Dec/9/2004, 0:20

"Well, you know what they say: it's never too soon to start early."
~ Sam Beckett, 'Running for Honour', "Quantum Leap" ~
Nov/24/2004, 3:35 Link to this post Send Email to MikeKraken   Send PM to MikeKraken ICQ

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