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Erika E Profile
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Registered: 10-2003
Posts: 2
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RunSearch SmackDown ~ November 2009

Hello i'm Erika from Runboard Staff.



Your board is up for the Runsearch Smackdown, for the Month of November 2009.
Runboard's Discovery of the Month hosted by Runboard.
Those who win this go on to Runboard's Discovery of the Year!!
You can make two votes in this heat.
No MPDs (Multiple Personally Disorder, ie multiple SNs) allowed.
You must be a member of Runboard Directory to vote.
Membership is granted after you post once.
If you've already posted previously you do not have to post to vote.
Myself and other staff will come by periodically to check to see if there are any questions or concerns.
You may also PM any questions to Pastor Rick.
You are allowed to ask people who are not members of your boards to vote for you, but please read the rules of their boards which you choose to post on.
Good Luck to all of you.
1) Click Here
2) Reply to the topic - Just say 'Hi'
3) Then You can Vote!
If you are not familiar with the Discovery Series and how it works please look here: RunSearch Discovery Series ~ How it Works


Customer Service
Nov/29/2009, 10:40 Link to this post  

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